
shiatsu practitioners

Open to shiatsu practitioners and (advanced) shiatsu students.

Katsugen Undō Online | from September

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Online, together and regularly under the guidance of Alice Whieldon and Alexandra Gelny: Katsugen Undō is a valuable practice from Japan for getting in touch with yourself. Spontaneous. Movement. Sensitivity. From Sept. 11. until Dec. 4. 2024 every two weeks on Wednesday evenings.
Alexandra praktiziert Katsugen

Katsugen Undō

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Sommerpause. Neue Termine dann ab Sept. / Okt. 2024. Eine Praxis aus Japan – Raum und Zeit für spontanes Bewegen, das dich ins Spüren bringt, entlastet und erfrischt. Offene Gruppe

Sei-Ki Immersion Days

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Sommerpause. Nächste Termine: ab Sept./Okt. 2024. Sei-Ki Tages-Workshops für Teilnehmer*innen mit und ohne Sei-Ki Erfahrung. Einmal kommen, öfter kommen oder jedes Mal. Eintauchen in Sei-Ki, dir Anregungen holen, dein Sei-Ki vertiefen, gut in Kontakt kommen mit dir selbst und dich austauschen.

KOKORO | Sei-Ki with Alice Whieldon in VIENNA

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Sept. 27 – 29 2024 | Vienna. Sei-Ki intensive workshop with Alice Whieldon | Support: Alexandra Gelny. “Kokoro” is difficult to translate from Japanese. Heart, spirit, essence… all terms fall short. Kokoro can only be experienced, lived and felt. In Sei-Ki we need Kokoro. Alice takes you on a Kokoro journey.

Katsugen Undō Online Mini-Course

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with Alice Whieldon and Alexandra Gelny. 3 x 90 minutes on June 5, June 26 and July 3. Following our trip to Japan, during which we researched the roots of Katsugen Undō in Seitai, we would like to share with you our deeper understanding of this work.