Workshops. Courses. Tutorials. Supervision.

Teaching activities

Teaching is sharing, encouraging each other and growing together.

Alexandra Gelny


I have always taken great pleasure in teaching and facilitating. The first workshop I held was more than 25 years ago – back then as a student.

For some years now, I have been sharing my experience and what nourishes my work in workshops. This means a lot to me and I am infinitely grateful for these opportunities.

Teaching also keeps reminding me that it’s important to continue to learn and I learn a lot from each participant in my trainings. 

My teaching actitivies

I teach in several countries and in several languages (German, Italian, English, occasionally French).

My workshops are mostly aimed at shiatsu practitioners or practitioners of other bodywork methods, occasionally also at midwives or simply anyone interested. 

In the past years, I have been teaching mainly courses on Wellmother Maternity shiatsu (menstrual cycle, fertility, pregnancy, birth and beyond), but also on embryology for shiatsu practitioners. For 2024, I am planning some projects facilitating Sei-Ki.

Information on current events are given in the language(s) in which the teaching event is offered.

For 1:1 classes, supervision or tutorials, please contact me via email.

Sei-Ki Retreat “on the edge”

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Sei-Ki Residential (Thu to Sun) with Alice Whieldon and Alexandra Gelny. Sei-Ki requires courage to stay present and in awareness, and to fully engage with what IS. Come with us to BergZendo Hohe Wand (South of Vienna) and immerse yourself into Sei-Ki practice “on the edge”.
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Sei-Ki Immersion Day

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Monatlich. Nächster Termin: Sa, 20. April 2024. In Wien. Sei-Ki Tages-Workshops für Teilnehmer*innen mit und ohne Sei-Ki Erfahrung. Einmal kommen, öfter kommen oder jedes Mal. Eintauchen in Sei-Ki, dir Anregungen holen, dein Sei-Ki vertiefen, gut in Kontakt kommen mit dir selbst und dich austauschen.
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Lifecycles Shiatsu+ | Online Support Circle

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Kostenlos auf Zoom | 6-7 Mal im Jahr. Nächster Termin: 30. April 2024 | 19.30-21 Uhr. Du praktizierst oder lernst Shiatsu? Themen rund um Frauengesundheit (Zyklus, Kinderwunsch, Menopause) und frühe Mutterschaft (Schwangerschaft, Geburt, Wochenbett etc.) interessieren dich ganz besonders? Dann ist mein Austausch- und Supervisionskreis vielleicht genau das Richtige für dich.
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Katsugen Undō

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NEU in Wien! Eine Praxis aus Japan – Raum und Zeit für spontanes Bewegen, das dich ins Spüren bringt, entlastet und erfrischt. Offene Gruppe jeweils freitags 17-19 Uhr, 3 Termine: 19.4. | 17.5. | 21.6.2024
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Mit Shiatsu rund um die Geburt begleiten

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Der „10. Monat“ | Vorbereitung auf die Geburt | Geburtsunterstützung | frühes Wochenbett. Dieser Kurs vermittelt Shiatsu-Praktizierenden das Wissen und praktischen Fertigkeiten, um professionelle Unterstützung im Shiatsu-Kontext rund um das Thema Geburt leisten zu können (anerkannt als Wellmother Modul).
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News & Blog


I’ll be happy to personally answer any of your questions about my courses and teaching activities.

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